You own or work for a construction company, and you have site workers. Each of those workers has a selection of qualifications made up of certificates, cards, tickets and toolbox talks. But how do you keep track? Some of those qualifications expire, so how do you keep your sites safe and legal?
“QALI”: Pronounced “Kwoli” and is very short for qualification.
How much time could QALI Pro save your business?
For example: If you have 10 site workers with an average of 7 qualifications each, it takes 1 minute to check each staff member twice per month = 1680 minutes per year or 28 hours!
It only takes 10 minutes to add a member of staff to QALI Pro that has 7 qualifications. Then, checking for expiring certificates is just a click of a button!
Construction companies tend to use a spreadsheet to track site worker qualifications. A spreadsheet is more than adequate to keep track of a handful of site workers with a few typical qualifications. The problems start when you have many site workers with many different qualifications. The spreadsheet becomes large and unwieldy. Often, the spreadsheet will contain many workbooks, one for each awarding body such as CSCS, CPCS, NOCN, NVQ, City & Guilds etc.
It then becomes difficult to confirm that your site workers are still qualified to perform their required tasks as someone has to check each expiry date column. A time-consuming and labour-intensive task.
You also store copies of the qualifications. Usually, there are two options:
- A filing cabinet that is only accessible to staff within the office.
- A shared folder where you store a scan of the qualification. You then link this file within the spreadsheet. However, if someone moves the folder or renames the file, then the link is broken.
Both options require someone to be responsible for keeping the qualifications in order and up to date. It is usual for a single staff member to maintain qualifications within an organisation. That person becomes the central contact when there are questions regarding staff qualifications and training. Inconvenient when they are sick or on holiday.
With QALI, your site workers details and qualifications are stored in one central place, complete with a scanned copy of each qualification. These details are then accessible throughout your organisation, including site managers, supervisors and other office staff, even if working from home.
You can also track the PPE issued within QALI, saving you money. Accidents can also be tracked, making reporting internally and for the HSE a breeze.
QALI provides you with the reports you need, including:
- A list of expiring qualifications. These qualifications need renewing in the next month or so.
- A list of expired qualifications. These qualifications need renewing immediately.
- Find a site worker with a specific qualification.
- PPE issued to a site worker.
- Overview of PPE issued by the company.
- Accidents within a specific period.
QALI also has a mobile app designed for your site managers and supervisors. With the QALI app, they can quickly check the qualifications of their site workers, check PPE issued and find the correct employee or subcontractor for the job. In addition, should there be an accident on site, the QALI app also provides next-of-kin details, saving another phone call to head office.